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Policies & Procedures

Media Center Policies & Procedures

Library Check Out Policy:

  • Students visit the library to check out books every other week as a class, but are welcome to come individually when it is convenient for their teachers.
  • Students in Kindergarten and first grade check out one book at a time, while students in second through fifth grade can check out two books at a time.
  • All books are due THREE weeks after checkout.
  • Students are welcome to return their books prior to the due date, so that more materials can be pulled. 
  • Graphic novels are available for checkout, but they can only check out one at a time.


Fines for lost and damaged materials:

  • $15 for hardback books
  • $5 for paperbacks

*Please know that ALL students are responsible for keeping up with and taking care of their library books. We spend a lot of time teaching students how to care for their books. Please talk to your child about the importance of taking care of their books. Students will be responsible for lost or damaged books. All fines will need to be paid through 


Taking care of your library books: 

  • Keep your book in your backpack when you are not reading it. You will always know where it is, and you will have it at school when you're ready to get a new book to read.
  • Do not eat or drink while reading a library book. 
  • Do not write or draw in a library book.
  • Be careful not to tear or rip the pages of the book. 
  • Do not store your book(s) near water or snacks.

Please take good care of library materials, so other students will be able to enjoy them after you.